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Responsive Attributes Generator

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Welcome to the Responsive Attributes Generator!

Are you at the right place?!

While frameworks boost development speed and offer built-in responsiveness, let's be honest: nobody uses all their components.
Craving a leaner, framework-free approach to responsive UIs?
You've come to the right place!

Particular framework?!

Developers have their preferences regarding the use of one tool over another. This is why the Responsive Attributes Generator allows you to generate a stylesheet with the breakpoints of your preferred CSS framework, making you instantly feel at home!

How does it work?

The generated stylesheet gives you the framework's breakpoints, but instead of remembering complex class names, you'll use simple data attributes in your HTML.
Want to see how this simplified approach works? Check out the creator's 5-minute tutorial on generating responsive CSS grid layouts with just HTML.
Responsive design has never been easier!

Notable differences!

The following values have different names in the Responsive Attributes' tutorial compared to the generated stylesheet:

Value in Tutorial Value in Stylesheet
colspan colSpan
rowspan rowSpan
nopad noPad
childpad childPad
textl textL
textc textC
textr textR
Additional CSS rules!

Additionally, the following rules were added, bp represents a breakpoint:

  1. Hide an element with data-bp="hide"
  2. Show an element with data-bp="show"
  3. Make images responsive with data-bp="rspImg"
  4. Remove gaps with data-bp="noGap"
  5. Unset horizontal align with data-bp="noHA"
  6. Unset vertical align with data-bp="noVA"
  7. Unset text align with data-bp="noTA"
How to generate?

To generate a stylesheet based on a particular framework follow these simple steps:

  1. Select the framework's logo.
  2. Read the instructions.
  3. Click on the CSS file button in the header or the "Generate Responsive Attributes" button after the frameworks' logos.
  4. Rename the file if you wish to (the default name is responsive-attributes.css).
  5. Save the generated CSS file in the desired location on your machine.

Happy responsive coding!

You can generate responsive attributes from:


Prefix Min-width Max-width
sm (no min) 767px
md 768px 1023px
lg 1024px 1279px
xl 1280px (no max)

Diff from original

  1. Added xl breakpoint: 1280px and above

Ant Design

Prefix Min-width Max-width
xxs (no min) 479px
xs 480px 575px
sm 576px 767px
md 768px 991px
lg 992px 1199px
xl 1200px 1599px
xxl 1600px (no max)

Diff from original

  1. Added xxs breakpoint: 0 to 479px


Prefix Min-width Max-width
xs (no min) 639px
sm 640px 831px
md 832px 1023px
lg 1024px (no max)

Diff from original

  1. Added xs breakpoint: 0 to 639px

Blaze UI

Prefix Min-width Max-width
xxs (no min) 319px
xs 320px 479px
sm 480px 767px
md 768px 1023px
lg 1024px 1247px
xl 1248px 1855px
xxl 1856px (no max)

Diff from original

  1. Added xxs breakpoint: 0 to 319px
  2. Renamed xsmall to xs
  3. Renamed small to sm
  4. Renamed medium to md
  5. Renamed large to lg
  6. Renamed xlarge to xl
  7. Renamed super to xxl


Prefix Min-width Max-width
xs (no min) 575px
sm 576px 767px
md 768px 991px
lg 992px 1199px
xl 1200px 1399px
xxl 1400px (no max)

Diff from original

  1. Added xs breakpoint: 0 to 575px


Prefix Min-width Max-width
sm (no min) 768px
md 769px 1023px
lg 1024px 1215px
xl 1216px 1407px
xxl 1408px (no max)

Diff from original

  1. Renamed mobile to sm
  2. Renamed tablet to md
  3. Renamed desktop to lg
  4. Renamed widescreen to xl
  5. Renamed fullhd to xxl


Prefix Min-width Max-width
xs (no min) 599px
sm 600px 899px
md 900px 1199px
lg 1200px (no max)

Diff from original

  1. Added xs breakpoint: 0 to 599px
  2. Added sm breakpoint: 600px to 899px


Prefix Min-width Max-width
sm (no min) 639px
md 640px 1023px
lg 1024px 1199px
xl 1200px 1439px
xxl 1440px (no max)

Diff from original

  1. Renamed small to sm
  2. Renamed medium to md
  3. Renamed large to lg
  4. Renamed xlarge to xl
  5. Renamed xxlarge to xxl


Prefix Min-width Max-width
sm (no min) 575px
md 576px 991px
lg 992px 1329px
xl 1330px (no max)

Diff from original

For logical consistency across frameworks' breakpoints:

  1. Changed sm breakpoints
  2. Replaced sm with md
  3. Replaced md with lg
  4. Added xl breakpoint: 1330px and above


Prefix Min-width Max-width
sm (no min) 599px
md 600px 991px
lg 992px 1199px
xl 1200px (no max)

Diff from original

  1. Renamed s to sm
  2. Renamed m to md
  3. Renamed l to lg

For logical consistency across frameworks' breakpoints:

  1. The max-width for sm is decreased by 1px
  2. The min-width for md is decreased by 1px
  3. The min-width for lg is decreased by 1px
  4. The min-width for xl is decreased by 1px

Material UI

Prefix Min-width Max-width
xs (no min) 599px
sm 600px 899px
md 900px 1199px
lg 1200px 1535px
xl 1536px (no max)

Diff from original

No diff!

Open Props

Prefix Min-width Max-width
xxs (no min) 239px
xs 240px 359px
sm 360px 479px
md 480px 767px
lg 768px 1023px
xl 1024px 1439px
xxl 1440px (no max)

Diff from original

For logical consistency across frameworks' breakpoints:

  1. The max-width for each breakpoint is decreased by 1px
  2. The last breakpoint has no maximum width


Prefix Min-width Max-width
xs (no min) 575px
sm 576px 767px
md 768px 1023px
lg 1024px 1279px
xl 1280px 1535px
xxl 1536px (no max)

Diff from original

Pico does not use prefixes for its breakpoints.

The created prefixes for Pico's breakpoints are aligned with the type of device that Pico targets for each breakpoint.


Prefix Min-width Max-width
xs (no min) 543px
sm 544px 767px
md 768px 1003px
lg 1004px 1279px
xl 1280px (no max)

Diff from original

  1. Added xs breakpoint: 0 to 543px


Prefix Min-width Max-width
xs (no min) 567px
sm 568px 767px
md 768px 1023px
lg 1024px 1279px
xl 1280px 1919px
xxl 1920px 2559px
xxxl 2560px 3839px
x4k 3840px (no max)

Diff from original

  1. Added xs breakpoint: 0 to 567px

Semantic UI

Prefix Min-width Max-width
sm (no min) 767px
md 768px 991px
lg 992px 1279px
xl 1280px (no max)

Diff from original

Semantic UI does not use prefixes for its breakpoints.

The created prefixes for Semantic UI's breakpoints are aligned with the type of device that Semantic UI targets for each breakpoint.


Prefix Min-width Max-width
xxs (no min) 399px
xs 400px 549px
sm 550px 749px
md 750px 999px
lg 1000px 1199px
xl 1200px (no max)

Diff from original

Skeleton does not use prefixes for its breakpoints.

The created prefixes for Skeleton's breakpoints are aligned with the type of device that Skeleton targets for each breakpoint.


Prefix Min-width Max-width
xxs (no min) 479px
xs 480px 599px
sm 600px 839px
md 840px 959px
lg 960px 1279px
xl 1280px (no max)

Diff from original

  1. Added xxs breakpoint: 0 to 479px


Prefix Min-width Max-width
xs (no min) 639px
sm 640px 767px
md 768px 1023px
lg 1024px 1279px
xl 1280px 1535px
xxl 1536px (no max)

Diff from original

  1. Added xs breakpoint: 0 to 639px
  2. Renamed 2xl to xxl


Prefix Min-width Max-width
sm (no min) 639px
md 640px 959px
lg 960px 1199px
xl 1200px 1599px
xxl 1600px (no max)

Diff from original

For logical consistency across frameworks' breakpoints:

  1. Added sm breakpoint: 0 to 639px
  2. Replaced s with md
  3. Replaced m with lg
  4. Renamed l to xl
  5. Renamed xl to xxl


Prefix Min-width Max-width
xs (no min) 459px
sm 460px 619px
md 620px 1035px
lg 1036px 1680px
xl 1681px (no max)

Diff from original

For logical consistency across frameworks' breakpoints:

  1. Added xs breakpoint: 0 to 459px
  2. Replaced x-small with sm
  3. Replaced small with md
  4. Renamed large to lg
  5. Renamed x-large to xl

I'm grateful to Matthew James Taylor for granting permission to publish this enhanced version of Responsive Attributes.
We both hope that its benefits can reach a wider audience.

Made With
Responsive Attributes

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